“It’s over. We’re done. I just can’t do this any more. We tried to make it work, but at some point I just knew that we were heading in different directions. You’re just not right for me.”
It’s time to end your relationship with bad photography! Are your images no longer meeting your needs? Do you feel your images don’t represent your brand, industry, people, processes, or products in the best light?

It usually starts innocently enough. You need photos. Someone on your team has a new phone with an amazing camera. You decide you’ll just give it a try. The photos aren’t terrible. You can edit them to make them look better. Next thing you know, you are taking all of your company photos and using them for marketing and on your website.
Then you find yourself idly scrolling on social media or checking out a website and you see some amazing images. I’ll try to duplicate those, you think. So you try again, this time with a more expensive camera. They’re better, but you’re still not in love. That’s when the breakup occurs.

You realize that you’re a manager, marketing director or a social media manager, not a photographer. Asking yourself or your team to work outside their training and their skillset isn’t only frustrating, it’s not your best investment.
You think perhaps you could move into a relationship with stock images. Stock images can be beautiful. But do they represent your people and your industry exactly the way you see them? Is that a compromise that you can live with long term? Three Reasons Why Stock Photos Don’t Stack Up – Kelly Ann Commercial Photography Dayton Ohio
Moral of the story: hire a professional. Isn’t that what you want your clients to do with you? Corporate/commercial photographers are great at capturing beautiful images because they know how to create concepts that highlight your people, products and mission and do it professionally. We know how to properly light your subjects, whether they are people or industrial machinery. We ask questions about how you will use your images and help you build a cohesive color story for your website and social media. We help you plan a shoot and create shot lists that will enable you to achieve the images that you envision. We ensure images are sized correctly for their end use. And we take the burden of portraying your story off your shoulders. We make you look good and feel good, like in any healthy relationship.
So, is it breakup time?