- 937-602-3626
- 140 S Main St Unit D Springboro, OH 45066
We create extraordinary imagery of your people, your processes and products. Giving you a library of tailored stock imagery that makes your unique business stand out from the competition.
personalized approach
photos you love
a seamless experience
Get a consistent, visually recognizable collection of photos to promote your brand
What you’ll get…
You see the same generic images over and over again on social media or on websites within your industry.
Your competition is using the same images you are to attract potential clients.
The stock images you use don’t truly reflect your brand identity.
What do custom stock images have that generic stock images don’t? They have YOU. Custom stock images capture your people, your processes, and your products and services.
We understand the needs and dynamics of corporations and organizations. That’s why we are trusted by leading organizations in the Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio area.
Our custom stock photos are tailored to showcase specific products, services, or concepts, making them more relevant and engaging to reach your target audience. With years of experience, we can clarify your vision and create images that will best represent your company.
Unlike traditional stock photography, which offers pre-existing generic photos for licensing and general use, custom stock photography is the production of unique images tailored to reflect your business, your team and your products and processes. Giving you complete control over your visual content.
We start with a consultation to define your needs. With our portable studio, we are able to provide on-location photography. With the option of immediate image viewing and online delivery, we maximize your return on investment while minimizing your lost work time.
We create extraordinary imagery of your people, your processes and products. Giving you a library of tailored stock imagery that makes your unique business stand out from the competition.
Jeannie Jankovich
Zoe Hammond
With Kelly Ann Commercial Photography you’ll receive a team effort every step of the way. Kelly Ann Settle, Founder and CEO, and Debbie Sweitzer, Studio Manager, are here to welcome you and put you at ease during your session.
As one of Ohio’s most sought-after commercial photographers, their work has been published by Houzz, Premier Health, HouseTrends, South Dayton Lifestyle, and the Professional Photographers of America.
Our streamlined process makes your experience enjoyable and effortless from beginning to end.
Get in touch with us for a quote and to schedule your session. Prior to your shoot, we'll discuss your ideas and goals for your images.
Simply show up to your session - we'll do the rest. Using a custom shot-list, we will make sure you get photos that serve a purpose for your business.
You will feel confident using consistent, high-quality photos that you can use across different marketing channels such as social media, websites, brochures and other promotional materials.
We would love the opportunity to talk to you about providing branding photography for your business. Click below to complete a request form or call us for a quote.
140 S. Main Street Unit D,
Springboro, OH 45066
© Copyright Kelly Ann Photography 2017-2024